Saturday, October 31, 2009


I've been reading alot about engagement and bridal showers lately. Man, people have some creative friends!! I grew up in Georgia and my mom and I would read the Sunday paper's wedding announcements in utter amazement at the INSANE number of showers these women had thrown in their honor. A tiny (ok, sizable) piece of me was pretty jealous/excited for "my turn" some day.

Skip forward 15 years. None of us live any where near GA, nor do I live any where near my family and my friends are scattered all over the country. If you haven't heard, the economy's not doing so hot either, so money laying around to spend on travel to those types of parties is pretty scarce. So I've come to the realization that I'm not going to have any pre-wedding showers. (MOH K wants to have a spa day a day or two before the wedding, as a bachelorette party, which will be very nice. Which is why I'm saying "no showers" not "no parties.")

I was starting to throw a teeny little pity party for myself, when I stopped to think. I don't love surprises, I don't love being the center of attention, and honestly, my wedding is a big ol' party. Do I seriously need another a few months before? (Although, someone else planning it would be nice!)

I've said before, and repeating it is a good reminder, I'm excited to celebrate my commitment to the love-of-my-life in front of my family and closest friends. If I really need a another day for people to celebrate me with a party, I'll have Mr. SB throw me one for my birthday. My wedding day will be plenty special (and I know people are excited for me) even without pre-big-day festivities.

But it won't stop me from looking at blogs of other people's. :)

Did you forgo pre-wedding parties? Or were they an important of your wedding experience?

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