I was pretty inspired by a post from Mrs. Swan to think about it in the following way...
Miss SB:
Oldest of eight children
Parents married 31 years
Large (!) extended family
Grew up in the deep South (GA, NC, AR, TN)
Moved around a ton growing up
Very conservative, Catholic family
White (Belgian/German/Irish, if that makes me sound cooler)
I want a papillon (and have asked for one as a post-wedding present/hobby)

Mr. SB:
Only child
Single mother
No extended family in the US
Grew up in CA
Actually has a "hometown"
Very liberal, non-religious family
Half hispanic/half asian
He wants a German Shepherd (and has insisted that we get one when we buy a home with a large enough yard)

But you know what?
I bet you thought I was going to say "Opposites attract," but Hah! I fooled you!
Somehow, despite how we got there, Mr. SB and I ended up in very similar places. We like the same activities (being lazy together, playing our stupid online video game, wine tasting, travel to warm and sunny places), have similar views on future family & monetary matters, and agree ~90% of the time on politics/social issues (and the other 10% is discussed respectfully).
So technically, we are an inter-racial couple and an inter-faith couple. What does that mean? Nothing in the eyes of our families or each other. Nothing in how I envision my future with my husband. It DOES however, mean that planning a wedding ceremony appropriate for both families will be challenging. This topic is still a very active work in progress and certainly will be a discussion for another day. Or multiple days, let's be honest.
How similar/different are the backgrounds of you and your honey?
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