Our caterer has asked that we designate on their escort cards what meal people chose (from our three options) or have specifically assigned seating. I was planning on assigning tables, not seats, so I wanted to try "color coding" their name to their order. I like the ideas of different colored grapes and found some various colored clip art from Microsoft online. (Classy, I know. But free, I dig that part.)

Not loving this attempt, I headed onto the internet for inspiration. Our wedding is at a winery and the only alcohol we're serving is wine... glass labels/tags of some sort would be cute, no?
Veryyyy cute. You could write/print the names on these tags and have the guests slip them on the wine stem, but the labeling-the-meal-choice isn't as obvious. And blue's not one of our colors.
This got me thinking though... wine charms! You could print the names onto a card (like the ones created by the Creative Memories tool, below) and attach it to the charm. Extra little favor! Bonus!
They range from $5.99 for 6 for the Art Glass ones above to $15 for 6 for the pewter ones. Pretty reasonable actually. Except of course, I like the expensive ones better and was progressively feeling like the $6 ones looked cheap. And then, Michaels came to the rescue... DIY charms!
Sorry for the poor quality, this is a blown up section of the image. But they have easy to follow DIY grape wine charm instructions on the webpage! Ok, so maaaybe they sound a little detailed, but it might be just the thing to keep my hands, and DIY/planning spirit, busy. I haven't gone to price check the components, but am pretty excited do that soon.
What projects have developed into something unexpected that is WAY better than your first thoughts?
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