Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where are you from? Are you married?

I recently moved to a new town and work in a very social field. I meet TONS of new people each day and nearly every conversation begins...

"Where are you from? Are you married?"

I know they're just being polite, but I feel *this* on the spot.
Image Source.

You would think these are easy questions.

Question one: I lived in six different states by the time I was twelve and my family now lives in a state that I've never spent more than a summer in. Combine that with having gone to college in the midwest & grad school in Boston & San Francisco... and it's not an easy answer.

Map from Source. The red stars are places I've called home.

Question two: Appears more straightforward, doesn't it? However, for some reason... people apparently translate "fiance" into "husband."

All. The. Time.

A little history, for perspective's sake. Mr. SB & I started dating when we were 23. Around our two year anniversary, I asked if he thought we'd ever talk about marriage. The conversation did not go well. By the time our 6th anniversary rolled around (I'm now 29, if you're counting... practically an old maid in many people's books!), we lived together, had three furry babies, and did not speak of the "M" word. Though every person in my life asked me about it on a regular basis (Seriously. Professors, family, Facebook friends, even loan officers!). I would turn on the defensive juice every time some one asked me if I was engaged/married, out of sadness/annoyance/fear of jinxing. Now that I *am*, I am way more nervous about the jinxing part.

However, refer to the first sentence of this entry. New job. New town. Very social. Here's a typical conversation:

"Are you married?"
"I'm engaged."
"What does your husband do?"
"Well, he's my fiance, (they interject, "Oh, sorry!") and he works at such and such hospital."
"Oh, where did you and your husband meet?"

Image Source.

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've answered questions about "my husband" in a conversation that started "my fiance." At correction number two, I'm pretty uncomfortable. And usually let it slide. I told Mr. SB about this one day and he was very not-ok with it. He said I should keep correcting people. But it's not *that* big of a deal, right? I'm still pretty conflicted about the whole situation. Thankfully our engagement is short-ish, but I can't IMAGINE if it wasn't.

Have you experienced this?? How many times (per conversation!) do you correct someone?

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