(At my friend Tiffany's GORgeous wedding last fall.)
I understand his point. It's the most photographed day of our lives, might as well try and be proud to look at those photos for the next, oh 50 years...
One problem though. Mr. SB & I are remarkably inconsistent with our exercise habits. We'll be good for 6 months, then fall off the wagon. Then one of us motivates the other and we do better... until we fall off again.
Well, this summer Mr. SB jumped on the wagon with both feet dragging me behind! He purchased the P90X workout plan. If you haven't seen the infomercials, you should keep an eye out. The leader, Tony Horton, is a piece of work, but one. ripped. 45 year old. (I could do without Dreya though, just saying.) Anyway, it's 65-90 mins per day of weight training (pull ups, push ups, legs, back, arms, you name it) and serious at home cardio. Six days a week. For 90 days.

#2. It's a challenging workout. Each time, every day.
#3. Pullups never get fun or easy.
#4. If you want the shoulders/back/triceps to wear that strapless, low back dress on your wedding day, sign up. Show up. Get results. It works.
#5. You can do it. Period. There are modifications, you'll have some bad days and be sore, but it's pretty amazing.
This has not been all sunshine and roses and awesome energizing workouts. But I am as strong as I've ever been and my arms look as good as they ever have. And I've still got a few months to go till the big day. As MUCH as I complain about it (still, almost every day), I totally appreciate you bringing me on this adventure. Thank you Mr. SB.
How's your pre-wedding fitness regime going?
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