Saturday, November 28, 2009

Actually choosing the mu-zak

Alrighty, two ceremonies, two sets of musicians, two playlists.

Three categories: bridal party entrance, bride entrance, recessional.

After a whole lotta youtubing, here's what I've got.

Ceremony one, the church. More traditional. Probably a single guitar. Or maybe a single pianist, in which case all this changes, but I'm going with the guitarist idea.

Bridal party/parent entrance: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach.

Bridal entrance: Wagner's Bridal Chorus. Original, I know. It may be "uncool or untrendy", but what girl doesn't want to walk to "Here comes the bride"?

Recessional: Wedding March, Mendelssohn. Another classic.

Ceremony two, the winery. A little less traditional. Guitarist & Violinist.

Party/parent entrance: Hornpipe from Handel's Water Music.

Option 2: Pachelbel's Canon in D, Mr. SB put in a request for this one (which probably means we'll choose it) and winery entrance seems to fit best.

Bridal entrance: Trumpet Voluntary, by Clarke. Is this striking enough? I do love it...

Recessional: Vivaldi's Spring. Love love love it. And appropriate. And upbeat. I want to hire the guy playing in the video, too. :P

Does that sound like a reasonable play list??


  1. Uh... If I say yes, do I get a cookie? Im sure its fine, as long as you have one person to put in charge of making sure that each person playing each song is certain of when theyre playing it... What I mean to say is- music is one of the things which I have seen go wrong at many weddings. and the one time it all went awesome it was amazing... and involved the bride and groom walking out to the Emperors theme from star wars. So go with your gut! It will be awesome, even if you have to be a lil bridezilla to get it perfect.

  2. I am worried because everyone makes music seems so easy "Oh sure, just tell us your request, it'll be great." But my ideas are pretty specific... maybe I'll make sure I'm REALLY specific :)
