Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trying a Martha craft

Saturday morning with coffee and the Vh1 countdown is the perfect time to work on wedding crafts! I posted about the napkin poms before and decided to give them a shot. (*Side note: Mr. SB's vote on how to make the table look better was "Both colored napkins and a decorative ring." Thanks honey, double the work.)

The inspiration.
I've never tried a Martha Stewart craft before, I was a little intimidated!!

Required Items:

Floral wire and tissue paper from the dollar store. Sweet.
Ruler and scissors.

I followed the instructions on her site exactly, even though it looked a darn mess in the process.

Finished result #1. Huge, not full, totally wrong.

Around that time, Elliot discovered that mommy was playing with crinkly craft products and got very interested.

I read the comments on the page and one poster noted that she used different sized paper than the instructions suggested. So I gave that a shot.

Too full, too big, just right! (Click to enlarge photo, I think you can see it better that way.)
Next to a coffee mug for size reference.

I'm actually very happy with how it turned out. Provided I get the thumbs up from Mr. SB, I'll go look for some colored tissue paper and craft away. I guess we need to decide if we're having colored or white napkins, but we'll get on that.

How do you think they turned out??


  1. WOW! Awesome! It truly does look like a real flower!! If they get the thumbs-up, I'm totally swiping mine from my place setting ;) Green napkins with white flowers might be nice...

  2. We did a price check on green napkins... FIVES TIMES the price of white ones. Eeek... So we'll be looking for green tissue paper for the white napkins. :)

    Now to decide, varying shades of green or all the same... endless decisions!
