Saturday, November 28, 2009

My dress

My dress is in!!

I'm very very excited to take a trip to SF to pick it up, but a little sad that my mom and sis aren't here to go with me. Mr. SB said he'd drive down w/ me and wait outside. I think we're going to turn it into a combo trip to order our bands. Hooray!

So, I've put on a few pounds over the past couple months, and I'm nervous about how the dress will fit. Mr. SB & I have really and truly started in on our "until the wedding healthy eating" phase. I think we'll hold strong, but trying on a dress that I've been waiting on for 5+ months and having it not fit isn't something I'm looking forward to!

More honestly... I'm nervous that I'm having dress regret. When I tried on my dresses w/ my sis, I wasn't in love with any of them despite trying on several that were "everything I was looking for". When I tried on the one I bought I really did love it. It gave me butterflies.

Then I spent too much time reading bridal magazines and searching the internet. :(

First, I read an article about what was just coming into fashion for bridal trends, hot at the moment, and not cool/dated. My skirt style (pick ups) is apparently dated! The comment was "there are much prettier ways to decorate your skirt." Ouch.

Then, on weddingbee, a bride-to-be posted a picture of her in two dresses, one of them was mine! She was deciding between the two. To be fair , she didn't look anything like me, BUT she didn't look good in my dress and alllllll the comments picked the other.

So anyway, I'm going to try and get an appointment to pick it up in a couple weeks (hopefully after I've shed a few pounds!) and will be prepared to love it again.

Does everyone experience dress regret at some point??


  1. I don't know about dress regret but I DO know you looked be-a-utiful in it!!! You will remember and be reassured as soon as you see it and try it on again :)

  2. Um, I got married on the beach and had a bias cut one shouldered dress, and when my mom took it to be steamed at a dry cleaner, instead they pressed it, which stretched it out by about two inches, making it huge. On the day of my wedding, the dress had to be safety pinned down the inside seam to even stay up. But my day was still amazing, and you cant tell anything is wrong in photos. Don't freak out, because your dress is going to be gorgeous. besides, your dress you just wear for one day, it's your spouse that has to be the right fit for the rest of your life. Most people aren't going to look at the tiny details of the dress, or be up to par on whats popular in wedding dresses for today. They will see two people they love committing to a life together. WAY more important!
