Saturday, November 21, 2009

Furry babies, part II

One random discussion lead to another... and Mr. SB & I came up with the perfect way to incorporate our furry babies into the big day.

They are pretty small-ish cats, short haired and about 10 lbs each. We have threatened to dress them up before in small dog clothes (because they'd be cute), but as far as we got was a Santa hat last year.

Look how thrilled Olivia is with this idea...

BUT! What if we dressed them up like a tiny bride and tiny groom (one is a boy and one a girl, after all) and took the pictures for the table numbers! (If you remember, I loved the pics w/ the pets + the cake topper... but I don't want a cake topper.) A quick search online found very reasonably priced options.

Including a veil!!

We didn't actually get this one, but that hat is cute!

We busted out the tape measure and found our (chubby?!) babies are actually a size medium! (XXS, XS, S available too. Man, some dogs are tiny!)

So, one cold winter day, Mr. SB & I will have a little kitty photo shoot. We need ~8 good shots for the tables... we'll see!!

How do you feel about pet clothes? (And aren't these adorable!)

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