Mr. SB, as a non-Christian, isn't really that invested in the readings, but has some interest. Especially that we choose readings more focused on moral codes/lifestyle than direct religion or religious figures. Our conversation actually went something like this.
"Mr. SB, do you care about the readings I choose?"
"Can we pick the readings that aren't too churchy?"
"You do realize they're all from the Bible...?"
I'm going to read through the book and choose two options for each category and then have Mr. SB put in his two cents. (Ok, I'll be honest, I hope he chooses the "Love is patient, love is kind" passage from 1 Corinthians.)
We're both a little disappointed that the Catholic vows are the priest talking then you say "I do." But let's be honest, I'm sure I'll be crying and "I do" will be plenty for me to try and squeak out. And later we can share our more personal statements. Hooray for benefits of two ceremonies!
Honestly, I'm pretty excited to have the opportunity to include more people in the ceremony because I have a few people who will be in attendance (my godmother, godfather, dad who's studying to be a deacon, godbaby) that it would be nice to be able to include. Unfortunately, I also need a vocalist & musician and don't really have those in the family. So we'll be looking for another set of them (we have the reserved for the winery).
Coming up with a "free form" ceremony will be a little more challenging, and will be a soon-to-do project.
Did you have trouble selecting readings for your ceremony or did they seem to fall into place?
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