Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things I now actually have for the wedding.

I've been making lots of plans, but very few things are actually done done and in my hand. But Christmas/shower was the perfect time to come get a few things.

Number one: Shoes!!! Santa came through and ordered these (relatively darn comfortable beauties from And they fit. Woohoo! :)

Number two: Hair clip!! MOH sis, in addition to throwing me an aMAzing surprise shower, got me the hair clip I want to wear at the second ceremony and reception. And it's beautiful in person. :)

Cute box it came in....

Can you see it? I was trying to get better lighting. Inside the flash kept washing it out. Anyway, it's beautiful.

The actually hair clip part is a little weird. I didn't expect the alligator clip type. Oh well, there are worse things to worry about!!

Number three: Wine charms!! I had been talking/thinking/looking for 65 different wine charms for our guests to use on their wine glasses and then take home as a trinket. They basically come in two different forms online: cheap (and cheap looking) or expensive. BUT, super MOH handmade (!?) little charms for the shower for people to take, but nearly no one did. So I scooped them up and will "recycle" them for the wedding. Best part, they're perfect! Green, leaves, beads. So pretty and all unique!

Here are a couple examples.

Number four: Our guest book came in. (I ordered a DIY book with our E photos, if you'd forgotten. :) I was the tiniest bit disappointed in two things. It's smaller than I imagined (but exactly what I ordered) and I put no words on purpose... but now I wish I had. At least our names or the date... or that it's for our wedding! Of course I can write that in, that's the POINT, to write it in, but still.. Anyway, the quality is good and the pictures are clear, so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. But for NEXT time when I need a guest book.... :)

Overall, I do love when things you find online work out!

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