Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Biggest Loser + Tissue paper...

Every Tuesday, Mr. SB & I have a deal (ok, I told him this is how it works) that we'll do wedding crafts. Craft #1 is napkin ring tissue poms. (If you don't remember the result of the deliberation... We decided to go with green tablecloths, white china & napkins, and kelly & lime tissue pom napkin rings.)

We didn't anticipate howwwwww longgggg it would take to make them. Tissue paper is wiggly and hard to line up evenly and easily tear-able. Yes, kind of terrible too. Har har.

Our first night, we only got 12 done (in two hours)!! We need ~75!! The box above is 2 weeks of work, we're up to ~30. Yesterday was week three, but we ran out of the floral wire needed to do them, so we had to stop before the end of the show. :)

Overall, we've got a pretty good system: Mr. SB measures, cuts, & folds the paper while I separate them into the flower shape and form the wire part. But it still takes forevvver.

Anyway, we're happy with them, but I'm wondering if the lime is too far off from the linens, or if they'll fit in with the overall "multi green" vibe of the day. We've made FAR more kelly, so it's not too late to scrap with lime w/o being too bummed. Thoughts??


  1. No I like the lime, too! It will be pretty to have both at each table.

  2. Ok, green all over the place it is. :) We had another session last night, so we've got equal numbers of lime & kelly, so it's settled! I'm not throwing that whole box out!
