Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goodie bag for the OOTers

One of my favorite blog acronyms is "OOT" for "Out of Town". Just like I say "MOH" as "Moe" and "FMIL" as "Fimmel", I read "OOT as ... well... oot. And chuckle to myself. :)

Anywho, I went to a OOT wedding that had a goodie bag at the hotel check in and I thought that was a really nice touch. Not so nice that I would go all nutty-nut like some brides and make every single one personalized, but nice enough to make a generic, though thoughtful, gift bag,

What goes in an OOT bag, you might ask? Well, things you'd like to receive at your hotel after traveling to get there.

Water, a bottle of Sonoma wine, gold fish, California raisins, and cookies of course. :) And winery map/magazine of the area. And a pocket schedule, see next post.
Nice photo, I know.

Insert said presents into a dollar store gift bag that fits the wedding vibe-ish (and can be guilt free thrown away) with a little welcome note and a green bow.

Oh that green bow. How do I hate thee....

We bought some sparkly green (wire edged) ribbon and planned on "finding something to do with it". Well, making little bows is apparently "it." Notice the scraps of green fabric alllllll over the floor above? That's because when you cut the stupid thing, it frayed. A lot.

This is where Mr. SB retreats to when I'm crafting. However, in this photo... notice the little tea candle on his desk? No, it's not for romance. He voluntarily cut and then singed the edges of every ribbon so it wouldn't fray when I made the bows. He's a keeper I tell ya.

So these bad boys took a long time to put together, but I like 'em. And even though Mr. SB insists no one will care about them *insert sad face*... Would you be happy with this OOT bag?


  1. Heck yes. People are going to be excited to be having fun with/celebrating with you AND get a present?! what's not to love about the WHOLE situation. (and who doesn't like goldfish/realize they will keep the little (or antsy) ones quiet?)
