Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shouldn't have even looked

So much about this wedding is just out-of-control expensive (despite my VERY best efforts), that I try not to worry too much about it at this point, aka after the decision has been made.

Last night, however, I decided to update my budget spreadsheet and discovered that my invitations cost a lot more than I thought they had. Pretty much I could have paid someone to do them for me. Sure, it wouldn't have been maybe *exactly* as I had envisioned it, and I did enjoy some parts of the process... but it WAS a process! A long, tedious one!

I'm not sure you can really judge if it was "worth it". I'm afraid my invites will look amateur or tacky, and it drives me NUTS that the greens are off on that one part... but they ARE all me... And true, it was probably a little less expensive than if I had had them done. But I certainly fell in the trap of "Oh, DIY will totally save money!" That's what I get for reading all the blogs of all those inspiring brides online... they make it look so easy!!

Do you judge wedding invites?? Would you be offended if you received a DIY one?

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