Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back to the hair flower idea...

So a while back, I was really inspired to make myself a hair flower. After the failure of that idea, I picked out the sparkly clip I'll be wearing.

At my hair trial, the stylist asked what I had bought for my MOH to put in her hair (a low side bun). Which is nothing. So feeling a little bad... I ventured back to hair flower land.

Here's what we got...

Flower One. Pretty, delicate. But... huge.

Flower two. Better size, but not as pretty.

Side by side of 1 & 2.

I didn't have any other flower petals to work with.. the ruffly ones were too big and the smaller ones were lower quality. So what's a girl to do? Brainstorm!

Flower three. Better!

I had to cut apart 1 & 2 to make three, but here are the comparisons. I'm pretty happy w/ how it turned out. We'll see how it looks in her hair.

Man it feels good to conquer a project that previously conquered me!!

Any input to make it look better? More pearls? or feathers?


  1. No I like it! Thank you oh-so-creative-sister-of-mine! :)

  2. Oh... I could add crystals? Do you want crystals? :)
