I'm stuck at home today waiting for a furniture delivery (yay!) and was stoked to finallyyyyyyyyyy get my tag punch in the mail!
So stoked, I even took a picture of the box. I'm that cool.

What does one do with an awesome tag punch??

Make tags!! Of course!
Escort cards (on the table during cocktail hour to tell you what table to sit at). Attached to the wine charms. With a note that those are in fact wine charms and you are to use and keep them. :)

Seat assignments (on the ubiquitous poms at your seat). Yeah, I'll be the one attaching the tags to the poms. I'm pretty sure Mr. SB's head'll explode if I ask him to do one more thing w/ the poms.

Initially, I wrote them like I did for the lime pom... and you can't see it at all. But I think writing it on the side, like the "Dad" one looks fine. And the caterers have asked that we have assigned seating to make meal delivery easier. Cool.
I also had a mini-panic attack that I should print (like with a printer) and not hand write the names. Then I realized how hard that would be to line up and totally got over it.
Any other ideas on how I can use my awesome tag punch??
Table one- booyah! ;) very cute, and good idea to label the wine charms as theirs to keep-clearly that wasn't understood last time...