Friday, February 19, 2010

You want a ... what?

A bone scorer.

It has a wikipedia entry. That means it's a legitimate item.

Anyway, it's a sharp stick to help you fold paper. All the uber crafty bride bloggers have and talk about them and I always thought, "Wow, how lame. You bought a stick to fold paper."

And then I tried folding my programs. (*Oh programs... we aren't friends yet.)

I need a little stick.

The paper will. not. fold. straight. without scoring the cardstock first.

Insert my makeshift tool. (Seeing as it's 9pm on Friday night, not many stick stores open 'round these parts.) The calligraphy pen. I started out using the handle end, but it kind of bent, so I switched to using the scratchy end and found I had better control.

After folding, you have to crease the paper and my fingernail beds were getting sore fast! And THEN I discovered that the MIDDLE of the pen worked great for that. So thank you, multi-talented calligraphy pen for saving my crafting evening. Fascinating read, I know. But I needed a break. :)

Ever used a bone scorer? Or a calligraphy pen in that many ways??

1 comment:

  1. Honestly honey, at first glance I thought a bone scorer was an orthodontic tool that you put on your wedding registry or something! And no, the closest I have ever come to using either a bone scorer or a calligraphy pen was in doing creative memories and then I used the pen just like it was meant to be used. Leave it to you to think outside yet another box. I love you!
