I had decided on a gatefold style program, printed on cream cardstock, with the green damask printed bellyband that we used on the invitations, and the closure with our monogram. Similar to our invites, but not quite. And of course I'll be needing two different ones.

Info included: Wedding party, music, & readings.
I wasn't sure what to put on the right hand side, that might change.
I wasn't sure what to put on the right hand side, that might change.
The right hand column on this one I was excited about. I wanted to showcase our site and wine country in general. It still needs some editing, but overall I like it. I *might* decide to print the reading, if we have one, on the inner flap and post the winery info on the back of the program.
Note: I know a lot of people put remembrances into the programs and I'm not really excited about that idea. I think a mention of them at the ceremony will be appropriate. Especially because "those who couldn't be with us" includes people who couldn't make the trip, not necessarily passed away.
Tip for future program makers: Use MSPowerpoint, not MSWord, especially if you want to include any graphics. At least right now, I'm having a lot of trouble adding graphics to the document, behind the text in particular, and I lose all formatting if I try to cut and paste to a new Powerpoint slide.
Are programs a necessary and helpful part of the day? Or just a waste of paper?
Are programs a necessary and helpful part of the day? Or just a waste of paper?
Ok, so the apache reading is pretty much the prettiest thing EVER, loves it! (wrong post, but still a note i wanted to pass along)
ReplyDeleteprograms: Even if people use them as fans, or doodle and fill in all the o's and circle the t's, they're nice for women who scrapbook their life away, more traditional family members who want to save everything (it will probably go in a ziploc with a tiny note of what it is, even though the program has all that info onit), or they're great in a pinch when all the parents who thought their kids would sit still and be good while dressed uncomfortably and in a foreign environment need something to draw on with dad's pocket pen....
Im all for programs. PLUS, they're pretty.
Thanks for the vote on the programs... I like them, and you're right, they are pretty multi-purpose, and not too difficult to make. So I'll add that to the to-do pile for the after-Christmas-before-wedding evenings.